Friday, April 10, 2009

3 weeks in… a progress report

Well, it’s been 3 weeks in my new condo, my new job- my new life. Soon, I will be adding new car to the mix (probably a Honda Fit).

I wish I could say that I love it here and I feel like I am “home”, but I don’t and I’m not.

I am overwhelmed most of the time at work – it feels like I am starting at a whole new organization. No one in my department knows me, my work ethic or my reputation. I find myself inter-office instant messaging my work family in Chicago just to “hear” a friendly/familiar voice.

Don’t get me wrong – there are VERY nice people in the building who have taken me to lunch, ask me to eat with them, people who I bother on a daily basis (hi “M” and “C”!) with incessant questions and random thoughts, and others who I am meeting for the first time who are extremely inclusive. I appreciate every person who has taken the time to reach out and welcome me to HQ.

With that said, unless I see the person 15 times a day, I have a hard time remembering their name. That’s not anything that wouldn’t happen in Chicago though, but I just have to remember 10 times the names now.

I am sad.

I am lonely.

I am tired.

I am having panic/anxiety attacks (recently put on meds to help with that, thank you very much).

I am not sleeping (see aside above – yep more meds).

I am overwhelmed.

I am living in a sea of boxes.

I am not liking what I am doing at work right now.

I feel isolated.

I feel incomplete.

I am trying to be positive about….something. Anything.

So here are 6 things I like about the ATL:

  • I am closer to my aunt and cousins
  • I have a Washer and Dryer in my unit.
  • I have a dishwasher in my unit
  • I have covered parking for my car at home
  • I like my new gym – and it happens to be in my building and only cost 5 bucks a month
  • I finally get a security pass (after 7 years of visiting HQ) to KEEP

Pathetic that all (but one) of my “likes” are objects, right?

I hope in the next few weeks I will begin to get in a better groove and start to meet new people and begin to feel more like myself and more relaxed.

But right now, as my toddler friends might say, “I don’t yike it here”.

Right now?

I just wish I were home. Anybody got a pair of ruby slippers?



  1. Oh A,

    You're not alone. I know it feels like it, and this blog will be a useful tool to mark the changes in your life. I'm betting that in another couple months you'll look back on this post and be able to say, with certainty, that you're feeling more at home in Atlanta, and better about things. It feels like a new job because it IS a new job, you need to give yourself permission to feel brand new (not to sound all new agey about it). Think back to your first three weeks in the Chicago office - I'm sure it was overwhelming, confusing, intimidating. I'm so glad you're writing about it, I think it's a great way to acknowledge and record the experience, and will give you a valuable document to look back on in the future.



  2. This one's for you:
